The Program
Vanarai, our partner organisation is already working with 250 Schools in Maharashtra, through their ‘Eco Clubs’ program. Considering the Climate Emergency, organisations working for the cause, with various streams of expertise, need to come together and hand-hold to amplify the efforts.

The involvement of the school would entail:
Appointment of one Teacher as a ‘One-point Contact’ – who will be the “Lead Teacher'
Every division of Stds. VI, VII and VIII would have one teacher appointed as “Climate Guru” to run the program as per schedule
The School may appoint a student as “Climate Champion” in every class to lead the activity
The School may appoint a parent as support for the activity in every class
A “School Climate Council' – will be formed consisting of the “Lead Teacher” and the “Climate Guru”s
The School may add to its “School Climate Council” the “Climate Champions” and in addition if felt convenient the Parents assigned with the responsibility – this will help in making the activity more inclusive
The “Lead Teacher” would attend the Orientation Programs – twice during the scheduled program – once in person and the other virtual (duration 3 hours for the first and 2 hours for the second)
It is requested to execute the program as per the Annual Schedule
A contact no. and where ever required a “Climate Buddy” would be assigned to every school for support
Reporting the activities and submitting the selected entries of the competition will help the school qualify to the competition and also gain visibility through social media to the public at large (provided the school expressly permits the latter).
The involvement of college students:
Initially we will sign up 60 college students to undergo an intense Climate Education progra
They will go through basic climate science, reasons behind Climate Change (CC), impacts of CC and actions at individual and community level
Out of these 30 students will be ‘Climate Buddies’ to volunteer in the Pune’s Climate Warrior Program in schools and the others will reach out to Colleges and other organisations
A team of two Climate Buddies will be assigned to 2 schools each
The Climate Buddies will make two visits to each school every month. In this visit, they will screen a relevant climate video/ make presentation/ initiate an activity with consultation with the ‘Lead Teacher of the school and stimulate discussions on the assigned topic amongst the school students. After this, the Climate Buddies will initiate the experiential learning project, and respond to any queries
The Climate Buddy has to photo-document each visit on the CWPS portal
Support Team
The project evaluation and student evaluations will be conducted by a back-end team.
The Climate Buddies will have assigned mentors.
At the end of the project, the support team will rank and recognise schools, students and Climate Buddies for their work.